Abortion Pills, Test Tube Babies, and Sex Toys: Emerging...
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Abortion Pills, Test Tube Babies, and Sex Toys: Emerging Sexual and Reproductive Technologies in the Middle East and North Africa. L. L.?Wynn and Angel M.?Foster, eds., Nashville: Vanderbilt Press, 2016, 251 pp. Author: Rinker Cortney Hughes
Journal: Medical Anthropology Quarterly
Issue Date: 2018
Journal: Medical Anthropology Quarterly Issue Date: 2018Related Batch download Book Review:\r Abortion Pills, Test Tube Babies, and Sex Toys: Emerging Sexua...onAcademic ;Science;Technology;Medicine;researchFind 500+ million publication pages, 20+ million researchers, and 900k+ projects. onAcademic is where you discover scientific knowledge and share your research.Abortion Pills, Test Tube Babies, and Sex Toys: Emerging Sexual and Reproductive Technologies in the Middle East and North Africa. L. L.?Wynn and Angel M.?Foster, eds., Nashville: Vanderbilt Press, 2016, 251 pp.
Journal: Medical Anthropology Quarterly
Issue Date: 2018
Journal: Medical Anthropology Quarterly Issue Date: 2018Related Batch download Book Review:\r Abortion Pills, Test Tube Babies, and Sex Toys: Emerging Sexua...onAcademic ;Science;Technology;Medicine;researchFind 500+ million publication pages, 20+ million researchers, and 900k+ projects. onAcademic is where you discover scientific knowledge and share your research.Abortion Pills, Test Tube Babies, and Sex Toys: Emerging Sexual and Reproductive Technologies in the Middle East and North Africa. L. L.?Wynn and Angel M.?Foster, eds., Nashville: Vanderbilt Press, 2016, 251 pp.
本文链接: http://abortionpills247.immuno-online.com/view-749749.html
发布于 : 2021-03-25
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